(The entry otherwise known as "Why I blog")
Blogging has been an interesting journey for me. It somehow clears my thinking - and sometimes, whilst writing, I catch some illogicalities in my thinking. (Although most of the time, I catch these illogicalities when I re-read and review my blog.)
At first, I thought blogging would be a way to become famous - to be "el mas famoso!" is not an entirely bad objective specially in a crowded marketplace such as my field. But I realized that I was not really writing for anyone else but me.
It's for me to express my thoughts - to get them out of my system - and perhaps, instigate a conversation with someone who may or may not disagree. A self-serving purpose, still - which I believe is neither good nor bad. It is still a personal call - a personal goal - a personal blog.
And no, I probabyl won't hit my "el mas famoso" goal, but it is not so important as the power to express myself in ways that only I can do.
Seth Godin wrote about it today on his blog:
Who cares that you're not writing a mass market newspaper? The point is not to show up on a list, the point is to start a conversation that spreads, to share ideas and to chronicle your thinking. That's the work of an author, and I think rather than kissing author blogs goodbye, someone should just start a new list.
(Emphases mine)