1. The opinions expressed in this blog are my own and are not indicative nor reflective of the company that I am connected with. I am not - and do not claim to be - a representative of the company that I am currently working for.
2. I take full responsibility to the accuracy of these blog entries. Whilst all measures were and will be made to ensure accuracy of these blog entries, I am only human. I encourage you to correct or engage with me in a discussion through the comments section.
3. As these opinions are my own and I take full responsibility for the accuracy of entries in this blog, and as these entries are written at my own time using my resources, I strongly assert the legal right of ownership to these entries, including intellectual property.
4. Fellow blogwriters and other may take interest in my entries and may quote them either in part or in whole. It would be appreciated if these are acknowledged. The essence of blogging is sharing information - not stealing. Hence, an acknowledgment would be sufficient. :D
5. If you have comments, please feel free to write them all in.